
  • El Diario,  Health,  Health Tips,  Healthy Eating,  Nutrition,  Salud

    Staying healthy on the Fourth of July

    This week most of us will be going to or attending a Fourth of July BBQ. Good food, music and company has always been a part of any great holiday celebration. I’m so excited to be going to one where there will be serving lechón, burgers, and a bunch of other stuff I know I’ll be running miles to burn off. Three of my health tips for the Fourth of July were published in El Diario NY. Take a look at them here: Un 4 de Julio divertido pero seguro      

  • Health,  Salud

    Semana Nacional de Vacunaciòn contra la Influenza

    Via La semana nacional de vacunaciòn contra la influenza se celebra desde 4 a 10 de Diciembre 2011. Esta semana sirve para mostrar la importancia de seguir vacunàndose contra la influenza, asi como también para fomentar el uso de la vacuna contra la gripe pasada la temporada festiva, durante enero y posteriormente. ¿Qué es la influneza? La influenza (conocido como gripe o “flu”) es una enfermedad contagiosa. Es causada por el virus de la influenza, que se puede transmitir al toser, estornudar o mediante las secreciones nasales. Generalmente la influenza dura algunos dìas y la mayoria de las sintomas son: Fiebre/Escalofrìos Dolor de garganta Tos Dolores musculares Cansancio Dolor de…

  • Health,  Salud

    Habla con la Dra. Ponce-González a como puedes tomar las riendas de tu salud

    El miércoles 7 de diciembre de 2:00 a 3:00 p. m. (hora del este), el Effective Health Care Program que es una programa sobre la efectividad de la atención médica de la Agencia para la Investigación y Calidad de la Atención Médica (AHRQ), llevará a cabo un chat en vivo en la página de Facebook en español con la Dra. Ileana Ponce-Gonzalez, Oficial de Revisión Científica. Este chat en vivo en Facebook es parte de la campaña Toma las riendas, que la AHRQ lanzó recientemente. Esta campaña nacional alienta a los hispanos a tomar el control de su salud y explorar las opciones de tratamiento con que ellos cuentan. Que significa tomar las riendas? Toma las riendas es una respuesta ante la…

  • Health,  Salud

    Toma las riendas de tu salud – Take the reins to your health

    La elección del mejor tratamiento no tiene que ser un juego de azar para los hispanos. “tome las riendas de su salud” con la ayuda de nuevas guías en español. Toma las riendas de tu diabetes, colesterol alto, o cáncer. Conoce tus opciones de tratamiento antes de tomar una decisión acerca de tu salud. Choosing the best treatment options doesn’t have to be a game of chance for Hispanics,  “take the reins”of your health with the help of new Spanish-language guides (also available in English). Take the reins over diabetes, high cholesterol or cancer. Know your treatment options before you make a health decision. Si, por ejemplo, a usted le diagnosticaron colesterol alto,…

  • Celiac Disease,  Health,  Salud

    Overview on Celiac Disease

    I first heard of celiac disease when I watched one of the hosts of the TV show, The View, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, discuss her long struggle with mysterious abdominal symptoms, and the relief she felt once properly diagnosed. Doing a little research, I found that celiac disease affects 1 in 133 people and is a chronic digestive disorder in which damage to the lining of the small intestine leads to the malabsorption of nutrients and minerals. The exact cause is still unknown, but when products with gluten are eaten, the immune system reacts and attacks the villi (lining) of the small intestine. Gluten is found in a lot of food we…

  • Health,  Salud

    Conoce las preguntas ??

    Please welcome Dr. Ponce-González, Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality (AHRQ) Scientific Review Officer, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services who explains the new “Conoce las Preguntas” (Know the Questions) campaign. What are some of the reasons that AHRQ launched this campaign? We need Latinos to engage with their doctors. Research shows that Hispanics tend to seek medical treatment advice from friends, co-workers, and even casual acquaintances rather than going to the doctor, unless they are very sick. Also, a variety of fears prevent Latinos from going to the doctor and asking questions: fear of the exam, fear of the diagnosis and fear of the unknown. The proportion of…

  • Health,  New Latina,  Salud,  Women's Health

    Happy Mother’s Day – Feliz Día de las Madres

    Yes that’s me! Happy Mother’s Day to my mom Juana, whom I affectionately call “Mamá Juana” (just like the rum concoction). I love her with all my heart! Yes we bump heads, and yes I’ve counted to ten in my head many times, saying “Dios ayudame” when she can’t understand where I am coming from. I’ve also dodged (and missed) a few chancletas here and there as she very quickly let me know that she will not tolerate any disrespect. It all makes me remember how much the world and our roles and expectations as women have changed between our generations. While she may not fully understand what I am…