Conoce las preguntas ??
We know that U.S. Hispanics are huge users of smartphone technology and are avidly engaged in social media. Understanding that, AHRQ included a mobile program as part of the “Conoce las Preguntas” campaign. In just over a month, more than 2,300 people have opted-in and we are very happy with the success so far. Another goal was to talk to bloggers like you so that Latinos will be encouraged to engage with their doctors, especially if it comes from a familiar, trusted source.
AHRQ provides resources in both Spanish and English to help women determine which preventive medical tests they need and when they need to get them. Women: Stay Healthy at Any Age can be found on AHRQ’s web site AHRQ – Healthy Womanor Mujer: Mantengase saludable a cualquier edad at AHRQ- Mujer: Manténgase Saludable. AHRQ also features questions patients can bring to their medical appointments to help them get safer care at AHRQ – Questions are the answer. This list features questions that will help patients talk more easily to their doctor and that can also be customized.
From the AHRQ website, here are 10 questions you should be asking your doctor or pharmacist on your next visit:
¿Va a visitar a su médico o farmacéutico? Estas 10 preguntas le ayudarán a preparse para la visita.
How many times have you done this procedure? (¿Cuántas veces ha hecho este procedimiento?)
When will you have the results? (¿Cuándo obtendré los resultados?)
Why is this treatment necessary? (¿Por qué necesito este tratamiento?)
Do other alternatives exist? (¿Existen otras alternativas?)
What hospital can best treat my condition? (¿Qué hospital puede tratar mejor mi condición?)
How do you spell the name of this medicine? (¿Cómo deletrea el nombre de ese medicamento?)
Will this medication cause side effects? (¿El medicamento produce efectos secundarios?)
Can this medicine interact with the other medications I’m taking? (¿Es posible que este medicamento interactúe con los medicamentos que ya estoy tomando?)
For additional information in English and Spanish, be sure to visit their website at: