Wait Without Anxiety
This past Friday I met up with my best friend Nicole, and we went to Gabrielle Bernstein’s “Live in the Know” lecture in the East Village. I’ve been a huge fan of Gabby’s work for some time, even re-posting her Spirit Junkie affirmations on my own instagram and Facebook pages. There’s just something about what she says that speaks to me. Maybe it’s how non-judgmental she seems, or how I can relate when she calls out her own struggles and imperfections. Â Gabby is like Wendy Williams says, “my best friend in my head.”

I even went on the Today Show to ask her a question on the “Coach Me If You Can” segment.
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Out of all the amazing things that were said and shared that evening, one quote really stood out to me.
Those who are certain can wait, and wait without anxiety.
For me that means we need to trust in that higher being. God, Universe, Buddha – – whatever you want to call him/her. It’s learning to lean on our faith more frequently, and not when you know what hits the fan. It’s also being at peace that even though you may not know where the heck you’re going, you’re on the right path.
I know when I hit some of my lowest moments, like when my engagement ended and I basically had to start ALL over again, my knees quickly hit the floor in prayer. The thing is, it’s not only in moments like these where we have to lean more on our faith, it’s all of the time. It’s as quick as taking a moment of silence and saying, ” Dear God, thank you for all of my blessings.” That was definitely a painful period, but it was a necessary for me to move onto this new stage of my life. I’m thankful. I’m ready for my miracles to happen.