Hong Kong 101: Bring your flats girls.
Stop by every Tuesday and Thursday when I’ll share a new tip or some of my favourite things in Hong Kong!

New York is definitely a concrete jungle, but apart from the Meatpacking District, it’s also a flat one. Something I wish someone (anyone) would have told me before I arrived in Hong Kong is to buy flats, and lots of them because unless you want to fall (like I have many times in the beginning) flats are just the way to go here.

When I say heel, I’m talking about the usual 4 or 5 inches that I wore as one of my staples in New York. I’m now watching them collect dust in my closet here. Sure I can wear them if I cab it to and from wherever I am going, but for everyday use or for going to have dinner somewhere in my neighbourhood in Central, I can’t do it. The streets of Hong Kong while very enchanting with their endless nooks, alleys and people coming out of everywhere, are also made up of very steep hills and uneven steps that can make the life of even the most skilful heel walker (aka me) a nightmare. Thank goodness for my Ferragamos!! Bring your crocs, plenty of flip flops and loads of stylish pointed-toe flats if you want to fit in with the locals here.
