Sexy Kale Winter Salad
My love for kale is a real thing. Like any good relationship, we started off as friends.
What sugar substitute is right for you?
Do you drink bustelo coffee like my Mama Juana, straight black with three heaping spoons of sugar? Or do you live for cookies, shakes, ice cream and all those horribly decadent desserts that have your faja working overtime trying to reign it all in? Sugar is not the enemy. In fact, like Lindsey Lohan, it’s “misunderstood.” Different types of sugar affect our body in different ways, but what really makes it unhealthy is when we consume it in excess amounts.
A Few Healthy Eating Tips
I absolutely love infographics! There’s just something about getting a few quick tips that can really make a huge impact on your overall health. It was great to collaborate with these two other health professionals, to come up with some great tips for you to keep in mind. You can also download it by clicking here-> HealthyLunchMenus.com Have a wonderful week! xoxo Helen