The ABCs of health insurance.
While this post has been sponsored by Access Better Coverage and PhRMA, all opinions are always my own. Health insurance is so important. I’ve really come to appreciate that during my travels overseas when there is always that nagging thought in the back of my mind of, “what if.”What if something happened to me and I had no health insurance to cover the costs. What if I get sick? Do I go to the doctor’s office or do I try to treat it with over the counter remedies first? Although I knew it wasn’t permanent, that feeling of insecurty never left me.
The next steps after your appointment: Step 8
We’re at our last step, of the 8 steps that serve as a guide to your health, and that is what to do after your appointment.
¡El Mercado de Seguros Médicos está abierto!
Si necesita un seguro de salud, ahora usted puede inscribirse en HealthCare.gov o CuidadoDeSalud.gov en un seguro económico que se adapte a sus necesidades y su presupuesto. También podría calificar para asistencia financiera. La Inscripción Abierta en el Mercado continúa hasta el 15 de febrero de 2015. Su cobertura puede tomar vigor tan pronto como el 1ero de enero 2015 si se inscribe antes del 15 de diciembre de 2014.
Preparing for your appointment and making sure your doctor is for you: Steps 6 & 7
Continuing on the 8 steps that are a guide to your health, here are some quick tips on preparing for your appointment and choosing the right doctor for you.
Step 3: Do you know where to go if you need medical attention?
Hola familia! We’re on step 3 already, and that’s understanding where to go if you need medical attention.
Are you insured? Step 1: Make Your Health A Priority
Are you insured? And if you are insured, do you know what your benefits are and how to use them? Without a doubt the first step to creating a healthier life for you and for your family, is making you and your health a priority.