New York Pap Rally and Run for Cervical Cancer!
Did you know that every year over 12,000 women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer and that over 4,000 women will die from this preventable disease? Or that in the United States, Hispanic women are the most likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer?
What you drink matters! #2BSparkling
This is a sponsored post with 2B Drinks, but I only give my full and honest opinion for all reviews. Did you used to chug diet soda like I used to, thinking that you were doing something good for your body? Only to find out months, or years later that you were actually harming it, and probably making yourself fat?! I know I was super upset when I found out that any just about any drink with the word “diet” in front of it, was actually making me hold onto the weight I was working so hard to lose.
Save the date FREE Pap Screens in New York City!
I am so happy to announce that on Saturday, May 18, 2013, Tamika & Friends, Inc., New York Chapter, in collaboration with New York Presbyterian Hospital will be providing FREE pap screens to anyone in need.