• Blog

    Embracing Closed Doors.

      How many times have you wanted something or somebody so bad that you made a million promises in your head on what you would do once you received it. Only to be devastated when it just didn’t happen. Sometimes not getting what you want, is just as important for your growth and journey as getting it. Sometimes the timing is off. You may not want to hear this, but it might also be because it’s just not right for you. And while what may be better for us might not appear right away, you have to remain open enough to allow what’s better to come into your life by closing…

  • Health

    Winner of Best Latino/Latina Health Blogger!

    On Thursday, October 29, 2015 thanks to your support, I was the winner of the Latinos In Tech Innovation and Social Media (LATISM) Best Latin@ Health Blogger Award!! I have to tell you that I was so shocked and incredibly humbled by the win and the support of my family, friends, colleagues and clients. Again, thank you so much, it really does mean more to me than you know! No one can deny the power of social media, and I am proud to be one of many influential voices bringing about much-needed health reform and awareness for everyone, but especially for women and minorities. During my acceptance speech I was overwhelmed…

  • Blog

    Date Someone Worthy Of Your Love. #ReinventYou

    Date someone who is interested in you. I don’t mean someone who thinks you’re cute or funny. I mean someone who wants to know every insignificant detail about you. Someone who wants to read every word you write. Someone who wants to hear every note of your favorite song, and watch every scene of your favorite movie. Someone who wants to find every scar upon your body, and learn where each one came from. Someone who wants to know your favorite brand of toothpaste, and which quotes resonate deep inside your bones when you hear them. There is a difference between attraction and interest. Find the person who wants to…

  • Health

    Ask, Believe, Receive!

    There is power behind your thoughts and words so be clear with what you want to bring into your life. What you speak is your truth, so if you’re complaining that there are no good men/women out there, and that your job sucks and so on, then yes, it becomes true for you. Say it, feel it, and let it come to you. XOXO, Helen  

  • Blog

    Why settle?

      Why do we feel as adults (supposedly older and wiser) that we need to settle? As kids and teens we certainly never did. But somehow now as adults, it’s expected. Along with learning societal rules and values, we also learned how to settle, and never expect more than what was given to you. I say forget that shit! It’s never too late, and you’re never too old to renew, refocus and reinvent your life! XOXO, Helen

  • Blog

    Latina in Hong Kong

    Some of you may have been following my adventures and know that I met a special person (now boyfriend) “J” who is the best friend of Bryce, whom I met while filming Project Runway All Stars. Well the stars certainly aligned, the timing finally became right for us (both dating other people when we first met), and now we are in this full-blown relationship that has changed my life.