• Motivation Monday

    Dare Yourself To Dream Big

    Via Congratulations to Viola Davis for winning Best Actress for “The Help“ at the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) awards last night. When will you definitely know that your dreams will not come true? When you stop believing and acting on them. It’s Monday, get moving! ” What is there but a dream? You can’t trade in your dream for another dream……Dream Big, Dream Fierce”                                                                   – Viola Davis

  • Cervical Cancer,  Health,  Impacto Latin News

    Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

    Via Every January we celebrate cervical cancer awareness month. The most preventable female cancer today still takes the lives of almost 5,000 women each year in the US. Do you know what cervical cancer is? Do you know that you more likely than not, have had HPV (human papillomavirus)? Have you scheduled your pap test, HPV test or asked your doctor if you are eligible for the HPV vaccine this year? What can we do to protect our daughters andsons? Read my article in Impacto Latin News: Cervical Cancer and Latina Women For more information on cervical cancer, learn how you can help out in your local community, or to connect with an…

  • Motivation Monday

    2012 Bring it On

    Only in New York… We made it! How did you ring in the New Year? What are you going to do this week to put your resolutions/goals in action? When should I start selling the; “I survived the Rapture and the end of the Mayan calendar” t-shirts? Now that the hype and excitement of ringing in a new year is slowly dying down, what will you do to keep the momentum going? Let me help you get started. Fill in the blanks below. Today I am going to _____ differently. I’m also going to do _____ this week even though ______ because I’ve put it off long enough. Have a…

  • Uncategorized

    Happy New Year!

    Via Whether it’s a New Year upon us, a good friend’s birthday or a special moment in their life, I always wish them these things: LOVEMore than enough to fill even those ice-cold ones like mine 😉 SUCCESSWhatever you may define that to be. Set goals and then knock, break down (jimmy the lock) of all doors of opportunity. HAPPINESSGuess what boo, not even tomorrow is guaranteed no matter how many multi-vitamins you pop. Crack a smile every once in awhile. Be content with that person staring back at you in the mirror. HEALTHMore than a number on a scale, more than being a beauty queen. You need a sound…

  • Uncategorized

    Move over J Lo it’s me H Tro

    Ok so maybe J Lo has nothing to worry about – just yet anyway. What do you get when you take a rapper, a Michael Jackson impersonator and people in masks in the middle of Central Park – a music video!! It was for a new artist B3B3 pronounced (bay-bay) and was shot during one of those blistering hot New York City days. credit: Sam Nicholson Have you ever tried filming in a public space like Central Park? Me neither, so of course there were a couple of hiccups that delayed filming even more…like the tourists that come right into the middle of a scene to snap a picture, or…

  • Motivation Monday

    Reset your New Year’s resolutions

    Via I’m late! It’s 8:42pm (EST) and I am just starting to wrote today’s Motivation Monday post. I’ll give myself a pass because it’s the Monday after Christmas. So here I am, and here you are just a few days away from a brand New Year. The reason why you will see all the gyms filled with people sweating, all the internet dating sites buzzing with activity, and a surge in the sales of self-help books is because the New Year brings us hope. Like a computer that’s taking too long to load a new page, we can press the reset button and give it another try. We have an…

  • Uncategorized

    Happy Holidays

    Happy holidays to you all! Whatever you may celebrate; Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa even Festivus – relax and just enjoy the moment. Be grateful To have your family surrounding you, even that crazy relative of yours (yes we all have one – or maybe that’s you?). There are plenty of us who wish we had just one extra day with a loved one that has passed on. For the food you will share with one another. My mom has been cooking for two days now. Lechón, arroz con gandules, pasteles and on and on and on. Enjoy it all. Forget the diet for a day or two and remember to wear…

  • Motivation Monday

    Joy Within

    If you are looking for joy in the things you own, the things you want to own, or place it in the hands of others, you might find yourself disappointed. Things and conditions can give you pleasure and a temporary illusion of joy, but they will also give you pain. Instead look within. Forget about the past or future and focus on the present. Be conscious of what you are doing now. Have fun, be grateful for everything around you and celebrate every accomplishment. Happy Motivational Monday xoxo Helen

  • Uncategorized

    Speaking with College Lifestyles

    Via I recently got an email from a young woman who wanted to interview me for College Lifestyles. They are a nutrition, fashion, career and etiquette firm devoted to savvy co-eds and sorority ladies. On top of that, they take it on the road with speaking engagements and workshops so that others can learn to realistically apply it to their everyday lives. Read my interview over at College Lifestyles

  • Health,  Latina Bloggers Connect,  Women's Health

    What method of birth control is right for you?

    Knowing what kind of birth control to use can sometimes be overwhelming. We are bombarded with TV commercials, see the different ads in magazines and even our friends have their opinions based on what may or may not have worked for them.  As women we should become our own health advocate, and this includes being responsible for our reproductive health. How do you know what type of birth control is right for you? Are you even comfortable talking about birth control?  Bedsider is an online birth control support network that targets women from the ages of 18-27. They are a private, non-profit organization, whose goal is to help women find and learn…

  • Health,  Salud

    Semana Nacional de Vacunaciòn contra la Influenza

    Via La semana nacional de vacunaciòn contra la influenza se celebra desde 4 a 10 de Diciembre 2011. Esta semana sirve para mostrar la importancia de seguir vacunàndose contra la influenza, asi como también para fomentar el uso de la vacuna contra la gripe pasada la temporada festiva, durante enero y posteriormente. ¿Qué es la influneza? La influenza (conocido como gripe o “flu”) es una enfermedad contagiosa. Es causada por el virus de la influenza, que se puede transmitir al toser, estornudar o mediante las secreciones nasales. Generalmente la influenza dura algunos dìas y la mayoria de las sintomas son: Fiebre/Escalofrìos Dolor de garganta Tos Dolores musculares Cansancio Dolor de…

  • Health,  Salud

    Habla con la Dra. Ponce-González a como puedes tomar las riendas de tu salud

    El miércoles 7 de diciembre de 2:00 a 3:00 p. m. (hora del este), el Effective Health Care Program que es una programa sobre la efectividad de la atención médica de la Agencia para la Investigación y Calidad de la Atención Médica (AHRQ), llevará a cabo un chat en vivo en la página de Facebook en español con la Dra. Ileana Ponce-Gonzalez, Oficial de Revisión Científica. Este chat en vivo en Facebook es parte de la campaña Toma las riendas, que la AHRQ lanzó recientemente. Esta campaña nacional alienta a los hispanos a tomar el control de su salud y explorar las opciones de tratamiento con que ellos cuentan. Que significa tomar las riendas? Toma las riendas es una respuesta ante la…

  • Health,  HIV

    In recognition of World AIDS day

    Via Held on the 1st of December every year, World AIDS day is an opportunity for us all to remember those who have passed, show our support for those currently living with HIV, and it’s also a time to reflect. This year’s theme is Leading with Science, Uniting for Action. What strides have we as a society made towards the battle against HIV and AIDS? What will you do this World AIDS Day? The basic facts HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. Just by its name we know it’s a virus, and just like any other virus it reproduces or multiples itself by taking over a cell of its host. The host (and…

  • Guest Post,  Health

    Fight The Blues This Winter!

    Please welcome guest writer and nutritionist, Adriana Sanchez of Palette 2 Palate Fight the blues this winter! By celebrating the shades of blue in your wardrobe and eating super-foods. There is no time to feel blue this winter. When your step out to all those holiday festivities looking so hot with this Calvin Klein sequin trim one shoulder dress. When you walk around the party you will uplift everyone’s mood. If you love accessories how about this beautiful blue gemstone bracelet from the Caribbean Goddess collection by jewels by D.La Paix. WOW! This one piece of jewelry will make a strong stylish statement when your shaking hands with people. Blue is so great you…

  • Motivation Monday

    Are you willing to take a risk?

    “Taking a risk can be scary. But what’s even scarier is what will happen to your life if you take no risks at all” – Mastin Kipp You’re scared. I get it, I’ve been there. Taking a risk of any kind requires faith, hope, confidence. Whatever you may call it, its basically an action of trust. You have to have enough trust to take that first step forward. While you may not exactly know every detail of how it’s going to happen, you do have to dream or visualize what the end result or your goal will look like. What do you want to do with your life, what is…

  • Motivation Monday,  Thanksgiving

    Why I am grateful this Thanksgiving

    Via Thanksgiving. It’s probably right up there in the top two holidays in my book. Everyday I wake up grateful for something, but I look at today as a reason to revisit all my blessings. I am grateful for my family, because as dysfunctional, annoying and intrusive they can be, I know that they also love me unconditionally and will always be on my side – no matter what. I’m grateful for my true friends. This year has been a blessing and somewhat of a curse with my friendships. It was hard and very painful at times to see some friendships disintegrate when I entered this new chapter in my…

  • Motivation Monday

    Stop making excuses & move already!

    Via A couple of weeks ago I saw my younger sister cross something off her proverbial “bucket list” when she completed the ING NYC Marathon. I was waiting for her at the 26th mile marker with tears in my eyes, tracking her on my iPhone the whole time to see where she was, because I would never forgive myself if I  missed her. When I finally saw her, I started screaming her name and waving my arms like a crazy woman, giving her a quick hug as I told her choking back my tears that, “you did it!”. I was filled with pride, love and overwhelmed with joy as I got to…

  • Health,  Salud

    Toma las riendas de tu salud – Take the reins to your health

    La elección del mejor tratamiento no tiene que ser un juego de azar para los hispanos. “tome las riendas de su salud” con la ayuda de nuevas guías en español. Toma las riendas de tu diabetes, colesterol alto, o cáncer. Conoce tus opciones de tratamiento antes de tomar una decisión acerca de tu salud. Choosing the best treatment options doesn’t have to be a game of chance for Hispanics,  “take the reins”of your health with the help of new Spanish-language guides (also available in English). Take the reins over diabetes, high cholesterol or cancer. Know your treatment options before you make a health decision. Si, por ejemplo, a usted le diagnosticaron colesterol alto,…

  • Motivation Monday

    When life gives you lemons..

    Happy Halloween! Feliz dia de los muertos! I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase;“when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. It implies making the best out of a given situation. A quick google search to see how some people respond to that statement and I found everything from being passive, aggressive, to pushing it away so you can deal with it later. Pretty much like how many of us deal with our problems. Take a look at what I found like: Via You can become angry, resentful and take it out on others. It can bring temporary contentment (kidding), but then what? Via Then there is the, “I’m going to hide…

  • Motivation

    Stop waiting for the perfect person

    Via How many of you have felt like this at some time or another in your life? I know I sure did! There is no perfect partner, there are no perfect relationships. Putting someone on a pedestal or placing all these expectations on them, may not allow the person to be their authentic self, and you’re just going to end up disappointed. Instead of looking for perfection, look for other things like compatibility, appreciation and mutual commitment.

  • Women's Health

    The L.O.V.E. Walk

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, but did you know it’s also Domestic Violence Awareness month? This past weekend, I joined founders Rhina Valentin and April Lee Hernandez  for the 1st ever L.O.V.E. Walk (Love Overcomes Violence Eternally). They based it on the passage from the bible (1 Corinthians 13:4) often heard at celebrations of love like weddings, which describe what love is and how God (Universe) intended for us to love one another. Via Domestic violence and emotional abuse are defined as behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Like many diseases, it does not discriminate. There is no “typical” victim because it affects people of all ages, income and…

  • Motivation Monday

    Work in progress..

    It’s Monday! What an amazing weekend filled with lots of hope, love, clarity and empowerment. So much to share with you all! I saw this (cannot remember who spotted it first) but its so true. Be wise to who you speak your innermost dreams and fears. Sometimes people will try to dissuade you based on their own limiting beliefs. It’s often not out of malice, but out of concern because they are can only speak based on their own reality. Others will be surprised to hear what you are trying to do and their negative comments may make you doubt yourself. The “lesson” is to follow your instinct, go for what your…

  • Breast Cancer,  Health,  Women's Health

    Breast Cancer Basics

    Senos, ta-tas, the twins/girls, airbags, funbags, headlights, and in New Jersey some people like to call them “bubbies”. Whatever you may like to call them, with the latest statistics reporting that 1 in 8 women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetimes, we should all know what the basics of this disease are so we can better protect them! Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women living in the US, and is a malignant tumor starting in the cells that make up the breast, usually the lobules (where milk is made) and ducts (tubes that bring the milk to the nipples). Risk Factors Risk factors let…

  • Motivation

    Give without expectations

    Image spotted by MS Caregivers “They say an expectation is a premeditated resentment, so let go and love them with no expectations of return” – Mastin Kipp Give without expectations. Learn to let go of those feelings of frustration, of disappointment when those that you helped may not necessarily return it back to you like you thought (or expect)  they would. Let go of those feelings that you deserve something for what you chose to do – because after all, the helping hand you offered to someone should have been done freely and without entitlement.

  • Breast Cancer,  Health,  Women's Health

    The 1st Latinos Walk Against Cancer

    This past Saturday, September 25, 2011, I participated in the 1st annual Latinos Walk Against Cancer organized by Latin Women Empower F.A.C.E.S. (Family, Advocacy, Counseling, Education, Support). They promote the strengthening of family values with a focus on education on breast and cervical cancer. I came to the walk with friend and breast cancer survivor, Marlena Ortiz and we met up with our great friend; advocate and cervical cancer survivor, Patti Murillo-Casa. We came with no expectations, just the willingness to support what this walk stood for. The rates of incidence for breast and especially cervical cancer, is higher for Latina women than any other group. This walk was a…

  • Motivation Monday

    Be Fearless

    You will never, ever please everyone. The decisions you make will always have one critic. I learned that lesson many times and yet for a long time I still wanted everyone to “approve” of what I was doing, of who I am. Today I let go of the need for others approval, and approve and love myself! “Be fearless when it comes to life, and careless when it comes to what people say and think about you”.

  • Celiac Disease,  Health,  Salud

    Overview on Celiac Disease

    I first heard of celiac disease when I watched one of the hosts of the TV show, The View, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, discuss her long struggle with mysterious abdominal symptoms, and the relief she felt once properly diagnosed. Doing a little research, I found that celiac disease affects 1 in 133 people and is a chronic digestive disorder in which damage to the lining of the small intestine leads to the malabsorption of nutrients and minerals. The exact cause is still unknown, but when products with gluten are eaten, the immune system reacts and attacks the villi (lining) of the small intestine. Gluten is found in a lot of food we…

  • Cervical Cancer,  Health,  Tamika and Friends,  Women's Health

    The annual Tamika & Friends New York “Walk To Beat The Clock”

    Saturday, September 17, 2011, was the Tamika & Friends New York chapter’s annual walk for cervical cancer. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, supporters, family and friends, the walk was a success! We raised close to $17,000 that will be used in our gift of giving, which pays for pap tests and also provides financial assistance to cervical cancer patients and survivors. Warming up before the walk! Thank you to our sponsors; hint water, pop chips, New York Pelvic Pain and Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery and the New York chapter of LATISM (Latinos In Social Media). While the entire executive board worked hard to make this walk a success, we could not have…